Westchester County Prostitution & Escort Defense Attorneys
Over 100 Years of Combined Experience
Prosecutors in Westchester, Rockland, Dutchess, Putnam, Orange Counties as well as in the boroughs of New York City take prostitution very seriously as a sex offense and a conviction can result in jail time, fines, and a criminal record. Do not plead guilty to a prostitution charge. The related consequences could include loss of employment, personal embarrassment, and embarrassment to your family or friends.
Consult with our experienced and aggressive criminal prostitution defense attorneys in Westchester County by contacting our firm today.
Understanding Prostitution Charges
Arrests for prostitution most commonly focus on sting operations, a ring of prostitution such as massage parlors, dancers, or personal escorts, internet-based prostitution websites, dating websites, Craig’s list, or other online classified sections of newspapers (personal ads).
Law enforcement’s goal is to make numerous arrests of both the accused prostitute and accused “John(s)” therefore a comprehensive criminal defense is necessary. It is common for the police to demand a written statement after an arrest claiming it is just “your version of events” the best legal strategy is to never provide any statement to and law enforcement.
In New York State there are complex prostitution laws but they can be broken down into the following categories:
- Prostitution in general: Sexual conduct with another in exchange for a fee.
- Prostitution in a school zone
- Patronizing a Prostitute: “John” Arrests
- Promoting Prostitution: Pimping
- Compelling Prostitution: Forcing another under the age of 16 to engage in prostitution
- Sex Trafficking
- Permitting Prostitution: Allowing your home or property to be used for prostitution purposes
Since these laws vary in range from a misdemeanor to a felony, they can carry with them significant penalties including possible State prison time. It is very important to have an experienced criminal defense attorney knowledgeable about the prostitution laws of New York State at every stage of your case.
What You Should Do If Arrested or Under Investigation
Consult with our office as soon as possible. Do not make any statements to law enforcement or any third party. The sooner our criminal defense attorneys are involved in your case, the more advice we can provide, and the sooner we can provide a reasonable defense.
We aggressively defend any type of prostitution charge. Our defense starts with a determination of the specific facts of your case. In prostitution defense, every case is different and defense has to be tailored to meet your needs. A comprehensive understanding of the facts is essential.
Our attorneys are former prosecutors who understand the tactics of the District Attorney’s Office and law enforcement we can provide a comprehensive criminal prostitution defense. The defense will focus on if the government has enough evidence for a conviction and how strong the evidence is against an accused (witnesses, statements, recordings, etc.).
When our clients hire the firm, they have a team of partners working to aggressively and zealously defend the criminal charge. All of us have extensive experience as former prosecutors, criminal defense attorneys, and proven trial attorneys. We have the experience, skill, and knowledge to effectively manage your defense.
Schedule Your Free Initial Consultation
If you or a loved one is charged with any Prostitution Crime, we are here to protect your rights and help you through this difficult time.
Call us at (914) 840-5104 today to schedule an appointment with one of our Westchester County prostitution defense lawyers.

Why You Should Choose Our Law Firm
Providing Experienced Guidance for Your Legal Needs
Premier CounselSelection for Super Lawyers® (top 5% of New York attorneys)
Award-WinningAvvo Clients’ Choice Award for Family Law and Criminal Defense
Published Legal AuthorsCo-Authored National Bestsellers on DWI & Criminal Defense
Experience & Perspective100+ years of combined experience, including criminal prosecution