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Drug Arrests in Yonkers


Criminal Defense of a Drug Arrest in Yonkers, New York

An arrest in Yonkers, New York for any type of drug offense must be taken seriously and vigorously defended. The Yonkers Police Department has a division of officers and detectives entirely devoted to the investigation, arrest and prosecution of a drug crimes. They also work closely with the Westchester County District Attorney's Office Narcotics Bureau in in the prosecution of the offense.

Common charges for a drug offense in the Yonkers City Court include marijuana possession/sale, criminal possession/sale of a controlled substance as both a felony and misdemeanor.

The Drug Arrest in Yonkers, New York

At the moment of arrest it is extremely important to contact a Yonkers criminal defense attorney. Police Officers may try to convince an accused to not contact a lawyer but to "work with them" so they will put in a "good word" with the District Attorney. Sometimes promising a lesser charge or no charge(s) at all. The police will then ask an accused to participate in various drug sales to arrest other drug users or sellers. This is a bad idea. It puts the accused in danger and the police do not have the discretion to modify charges. The best course of action is to contact a top Yonkers criminal defense attorney.

The Yonkers Drug Crime Lawyer

A lawyer can protect your rights, advise you on how your case will proceed and what is the best criminal defense. Usually drug cases focus on if the police had probable cause to make an arrest or conduct a search. The criminal defense will also focus on any violation of Miranda rights.

Calling an attorney as soon as possible is the best way to protect an accused. The best drug criminal defense is an aggressive defense attorney challenging all evidence to have the charge dismissed.

At Proto, Sachs & Brown, LLP our attorneys are former prosecutors with decades of experience defending drug cases. Our attorneys are also former Assistant District Attorneys now defending those accused with serious drug crimes in Yonkers, New York and the surrounding areas. Call today for a Free Consultation.
