Yonkers, NY Speeding Ticket Dismissed- Yonkers Traffic Ticket Lawyer


Yonkers Speeding Ticket Dismissed | Yonkers Traffic Ticket Defense Lawyer

A client hired our office to defend a serious speeding and traffic violation in the Yonkers City Court in Westchester County, NY. Travelling approximately 34 mph over the speed limit, he received tickets for excessive speed (a six point violation) and for using an improper signal (a two point violation). The client had been call from work and was on his way home to deal with a family emergency when he was stopped and given the traffic tickets.

Our Yonkers speeding ticket defense lawyers quickly got to work on the case, working with the client to find out specific details concerning the nature of the stop, what was said to and by the officer and getting a detailed summary as to where the client was travelling and why he was driving at the particular time. In addition, we made sure that a proper "not guilty" plea was entered with the Yonkers Court Clerk, to avoid any unnecessary DMV suspensions and provided our client with a waiver form that allowed our Yonkers traffic ticket attorneys to appear in his place so that he did not have to take any time off from work to defend his speeding ticket.

After collecting all the important information concerning our client Yonkers traffic tickets, our defense lawyers appeared in the Yonkers City Court located at 100 So. Broadway, Yonkers, NY 10701. The building also houses the Yonkers Police Department. As is the normal practice to the Yonkers Traffic Court, a conference was held between our traffic defense lawyer and the issuing police officer prior to appearing before the Yonker City Court Judge. During this important negotiation,